For a year I worked in a 'financial boutique' in London's West End effing about with other people's mortgages. With a job that was essentially admin, a chauvinist of a boss and borderline minimum wage pay I had to find something else to occupy my time.

The online music magazine DrownedinSound
(DiS) saved me. The hilariously irreverent work of news writer Mike Diver kept me going for a while, but as my work ethic ebbed away still further my attention turned to the site's forums. I became what stalwart DiS users term 'a lurker', reading their opinions and ramblings but rarely posting anything. One act consistently referred to was Pagan Wanderer Lu, a friend of the site who was exalted as a demigod by its readers.

"Christians like you are why God invented Lions" - Pagan Wanderer Lu
Now Cardiff-based, Pagan Wanderer Lu shuffles onto the stage after jangly folksters Lucky Delucci. He has the air of a man who knows that what he is about to do is great, but wishes somebody else would do it instead.

Playing songs from his
EP, The Independent Scrutineer, he opened with some solid electro and proceeded to flit rapidly between genres; the chaos unified by lyrics which were sometime political, sometimes funny and sometimes, like the cracking "Christians like you are why God invented lions," inspired.

When a support act offers such a triumph of a set great things are expected from the headliner. Lumberjack shirt clad The Stanley Band have plenty of energy and driven, relentless guitars. But half-a-song in I find myself with the almost irrepressible urge to scream "BO-RING" and hide like a naughty five-year-old.

We leave after three songs, distinguishable from each other only by the silence between them. The Stanley Band were given a raw deal by the promoter: their indie-
schmindie stylings might not have seemed so bland if they hadn't had to follow the idiosyncratic genius of Pagan Wanderer Lu.


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