The BBC News website has for I-don't-know-how-long quoted a Have Your Say (HYS) user about a topical subject on their front page. It's a great idea, and immediately alludes to the interactivity possible with the website.

However, I feel extremely sorry for whatever poor BBCi employee has to rifle through all the HYS posts to find one worthy of such a high accolade. A quick glance over the HYS boards shows that 99.99%* of the content is from right-wing fundamentalists.

Even the lefties who post on HYS are illiberal, choosing not to gently suggest tolerance to the 'get-them-out's and 'this-would-never-have-happened-under-the-nazis's but instead to poke fun at their poor grammar and bad spelling.

spEak You're bRanes is a "blog is dedicated to the dribble-spattered lunacy of BBC Have Your Say." It's well worth a look. Most of the time it's brilliant, but be warned: sometimes it can be as bigoted as the people it seeks to ridicule.

*No actual research went into obtaining this figure.


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